WEB & SOCIAL/e-commerce

We design and create E-commerce websites.

[ iː ˈkɒmɜːs ] E-commerce deals with transactions to sell goods and services between producers and consumers through the Internet.

  1. Studying reference and supply times
  2. Analyzing management system and marketing techniques
  3. Configuring a  multilingual e-commerce platform with any payment method
  4. Creating professional shops on online marketplaces (Amazon, eBay, etc.)
  5. Creating synchronized system to manage online and offline sales
  6. Assistance on IT systems, software updates and emergency operations on the platform
  1. Defining target and main competitors
  2. Studying the web behaviour of potential clients
  3. Choosing the most innovative and original strategy
  4. Design, creativity and multilingual copywriting
  5. Photoshooting and styling
  6. Web marketing on social media, forum and blogs
  7. Creating and monitoring adv campaigns online and offline
  1. Studying markets and sales solutions
  2. Evaluating product categories
  3. Analyzing systems and stocking sites
  4. Researching the best logistics solution
  5. Creating a shipping agent account with a concessionary fare
  6. Decentralized low-cost logistics management through professional shops on specific marketplaces for Italy, UK, Germany, France, Spain
  7. Customs clearance service and pre-emptive check of CE certifications and import royalties
  8. Marketplace clients customer care management
  9. Monitoring competitors and international market rules
  10. Analyzing shipping conditions and selecting partnerships to guarantee the best fares
  11. Sharing know-how and educating the business’ personnel
Stailfab creates solutions to develop high-end e-commerce platform posing as a strategic consultant to design, realize and monitor all tasks in relation to online business.
We follow the sales process taking care of every detail. We work with reliable partners and a cutting-edge customer service system. Our experience in advertising and communication enables us to create effective marketing and promotion strategies  to reach every objective. 

© Copyright: I contenuti del sito web dell'agenzia di comunicazione pubblicitaria www.stailfab.it - di cui è titolare la società Stailfab S.r.l. a Socio unico con sede in Roma via Appia Nuova 153 - inclusi i testi, i marchi, le immagini ed i video, i suoni, la grafica, e quant’altro riprodotto e pubblicato sul sito web sono di esclusiva proprietà della società Stailfab S.r.l. a Socio unico e sono protetti dai diritti di proprietà̀ intellettuale e industriale, in conformità̀ alla normativa vigente in materia. The contents of the website of the communication advertising agency www.stailfab.it - which is owned by the company Stailfab S.r.l. a Socio unico based in Rome via Appia Nuova 153 - including text, logos, images and videos, sounds, graphics, and anything else reproduced and published on the website are the exclusive property of the company Stailfab S.r.l. a Socio unico and they are protected by intellectual and industrial property rights, in accordance with local regulations.