EVENTS/event management

Planning and coordination. Event management.

[ ɪˈvent ˈmænɪdʒmənt ] Event management deals with creating and developing events such as festival, conferences, ceremonies, concerts and conventions. It includes:
  • Brand study
  • Target definition
  • Concept creation
  • Logistics planning
  • Technical coordination

Stailfab introduces itself as a unique partner to manage and develop events, working with experts to give it clients an unforgettable experience.

© Copyright: I contenuti del sito web dell'agenzia di comunicazione pubblicitaria - di cui è titolare la società Stailfab S.r.l. a Socio unico con sede in Roma via Appia Nuova 153 - inclusi i testi, i marchi, le immagini ed i video, i suoni, la grafica, e quant’altro riprodotto e pubblicato sul sito web sono di esclusiva proprietà della società Stailfab S.r.l. a Socio unico e sono protetti dai diritti di proprietà̀ intellettuale e industriale, in conformità̀ alla normativa vigente in materia. The contents of the website of the communication advertising agency - which is owned by the company Stailfab S.r.l. a Socio unico based in Rome via Appia Nuova 153 - including text, logos, images and videos, sounds, graphics, and anything else reproduced and published on the website are the exclusive property of the company Stailfab S.r.l. a Socio unico and they are protected by intellectual and industrial property rights, in accordance with local regulations.