/Online campaigns: digital advertising

Digital advertising, affiliation marketing, RTB, app advertising. Online campaigns.

[ ˈɒnˌlaɪn kæmˈpeɪnz ] Online campaigns are ad campaigns that takes place on online advertising spaces linked to tools that provide measurable answers with data on views and clicks.
  • Banners
  • Google Adwords
  • Social Media Ads (Facebook Ads, Twitter Ads)
  • RTB (Real Time Bidding) and Affiliation Marketing
  • Advertising in apps

Stailfab grew with the Web and knows how to select and use the most suitable advertising spaces to reach every objective.

Social media marketing, Advertising, Below the line, Branding, Brand identity, Buzz marketing, Media planning, Photoshooting, 3D design.

© Copyright: I contenuti del sito web dell'agenzia di comunicazione pubblicitaria www.stailfab.it - di cui è titolare la società Stailfab S.r.l. a Socio unico con sede in Roma via Appia Nuova 153 - inclusi i testi, i marchi, le immagini ed i video, i suoni, la grafica, e quant’altro riprodotto e pubblicato sul sito web sono di esclusiva proprietà della società Stailfab S.r.l. a Socio unico e sono protetti dai diritti di proprietà̀ intellettuale e industriale, in conformità̀ alla normativa vigente in materia. The contents of the website of the communication advertising agency www.stailfab.it - which is owned by the company Stailfab S.r.l. a Socio unico based in Rome via Appia Nuova 153 - including text, logos, images and videos, sounds, graphics, and anything else reproduced and published on the website are the exclusive property of the company Stailfab S.r.l. a Socio unico and they are protected by intellectual and industrial property rights, in accordance with local regulations.